Unlock Your Creativity: Tips to Overcome a Creative Block and Brainstorm Engaging Video Ideas

Today I want to talk to you about getting… unstuck. And yeah, I have shared other videos on my channel pop of the videos already made a couple of blog posts such as “How to make Yourself Do Things, when you don’t feel like it”…talking about how to make yourself do things when you don’t feel like it, things about the “allmighty motivation” and will to do things.

I also made a blog post about NOTION AI which helps with creative processes and brainstorming. And as of recently… there was a lot happening, so I myself got stuck.

So all of this combined got me an idea to share tips on how to get out of the creative rut, and how to come up with video/blog post ideas. Let’s start with my typical… process.

My usual process

So, usually, at the beginning or the end of the month, I sit down in front of my content calendar with the ideas I already have, some of those videos already have scripts etc., and I am just planning on what would make sense for this month. And since I am making 1 video a week - this means 4 videos a month. For my planning and scripting, I am using NOTION, and if you are interested in it - it is absolutely free software. I am also selling my NOTION content creator template in my store, so if you want stuff to look like mine - check it out.

I have also made a separate video about my general workflow, which you can check out on my YouTube channel and here on the blog.

The whole process became streamlined and simplified thanks to NOTION, and I may be slightly obsessed with this software.

So… If there’s something new coming up - I may just randomly write it down, and since NOTION is working across my devices - I can just grab my phone and add the idea to my list right away. Which is really helpful because sometimes things just pop into my mind, and they better not disappear. Because once they’re gone… THEY’RE GONE. So if you are a content creator, all I can tell you is - Make stuff in advance. Have a general idea of what you are going to film. And you can move things around. I have some scripts for the videos, and sometimes I make things, but there’s something popping in. It happens. And I’d rather have content that needs to get rescheduled rather than panic film and edit. Or not upload at all.

How to brainstorm the video ideas

  • Go through the comment section and get ideas directly from your audience.
    I do ask my audience on YouTube and Instagram for video ideas, and I am absolutely happy to do things I am asked to do because I already know there’s an interest there. You can ask your audience through Instagram stories, YouTube community posts, polls or videos, Facebook groups, Facebook posts… The possibilities of getting input from your audience are endless.
    One tip: You know I answer every comment… But sometimes the questions or ideas are so broad - I can change this one comment or question into an entire video; other times the questions are a bit smaller, so maybe you can throw it into a Q&A instead of a dedicated video, in which case - Q&A’s are great, and they get you closer to your audience as well.

  • Look for a different angle…
    Setting up the camera each time in the same way is easy, obviously. This is why I created my YouTube studio in the last place, but here as you can see… I am recording in a hotel. And this is a third video I am recording in the same hotel. I am just switching backgrounds in here to get more “creativity” in. And to not bore you with the polished background.

  • Try something you have never done before.
    Every once in a while, I am making myself a challenge to do something I haven’t done before. Like in March… I have decided to boost my creativity by putting myself way out of my comfort zone creator-wise. I decided to create as many scripts as possible to record videos in different places in the world. So as I am writing this blog post - I am in Bali… Where will I be upon writing the next one? Who knows!? But I want to get into the groove of being able to record anywhere and to be able to do some makeshift studios. I am also trying to make more B-rolls and do some more time-consuming projects that will be great for premieres or videos that will last for a looooong time. Go through other creators’ work and try to do something that you like in their work. Do not copy it- but be inspired by it. Maybe instead of a talking head - make a vlog. Maybe take your camera out, just do something different and see how it goes

  • Find a new way of creating.
    Try something else that may not seem productive but may help you out later. Recently, I have actually started to simply take a walk. And I mean… entertainment-deprived walk. One way I can clear my mind with music etc, but the moment I turn around or am halfway through - headphones off, all I get is silence. It works like a meditation, but you are letting your thoughts go freely. No phone allowed. You may be surprised how many ideas you’ll get after that.

  • Move to a different environment.
    Getting out of your comfort zone or your environment may get your brain going. Even if it’s getting an Airbnb in a place an hour away or going to a local coffee shop. It helps. Sometimes a change can make the biggest difference and get the brain running.

  • Always note down ideas (both good and bad)
    Sometimes there’s this random idea popping into your head… You don’t necessarily have to use those ideas right away; some of them need to mature in your head or for the audience. But having a list of topics and ideas can be really helpful, and at one point, you can use them and reschedule planned things.

  • Get inspired by others.
    I bet you are watching other creators, and sometimes they make a video either in a way that you like or on the topic you feel like they could elaborate on (or make shorter), so… use this inspiration ;)

  • Ask AI
    I am serious… Ask AI. If you haven’t seen my last video and blog post about the new NOTION AI capabilities - totally check it out. Notion AI has the feature of brainstorming ideas for YouTube videos, Blog posts and content. This may be helpful in a creative process, allowing us to either use an AI-generated idea or get something else out of the mix.

So… This is it… Those are my ideas on getting unstuck in the creative parts of things, and I hope you enjoyed them - if you need just to make yourself do things - check out the video or blog post and grab some non-motivated action. Subscribe to my channel and Newsletter for more info about content creation and building your dream life - we are releasing a video every Tuesday, and until then… Stay awesome fam! Bye!


15 Ways I'm Making Money Online as a Freelancer & YouTuber


NOTION AI is AMAZING! YouTube scripts & Blogs made easy!